MUMBAI: Composer Jeet Gannguli is set to make his debut live performance later this month when he performs in Delhi. The composer will perform with Javed Ali and Shruti Pathak, and is expected to perform several of his compositions like 'Sunona Sangemarmar' and 'Muskurane' from 'Aashiqui 2'.
Gannguli, who is currently in Kolkata said to, “I am really excited to be performing in Delhi as this will be my first concert. As of now, Javed Ali and Shruti Pathak are confirmed for the concert. We want to give our listeners a musical treat.” At the moment, he is in Kolkata for the singing reality show 'Music Gurukul' along with Javed Ali and Kavita Krishnamurthy.
Speaking about reality shows and how they help potential singers, he said, "If you see there are a lot of people who have talent, but do not get a chance. These shows help us tap that kind of talent. There are so many participants who have learnt classical music as a passion despite all the hardships. Out of these at least four or five of them have the potential to make it big. Also it is because of these kids that classical music can be kept alive.”
Gannguli’s upcoming live performance will be held in Delhi on 27th April, 2015.