MUMBAI: Draft terms of reference, which cover what the probe will investigate and how it will be structured, were subject to a public consultation
read moreMUMBAI: Mike Grieve, MD Subclub / Chair of NTIA Scotland says
read moreMUMBAI: The Night Time Economy sector is one of the hardest hit during the pandemic.
read moreMUMBAI: NDML, the leading late night leisure broker in the UK is pleased to confirm that it has now received the first offer of settlement for its
read moreMUMBAI: The NTIA estimates that over 5,000 illegal parties will take place over the New Year weekend given with the current restrictions levied aga
read moreMUMBAI: The Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) comments on further restrictions announced today by the Matt Hancock Health Minister.
read moreMUMBAI: 77.6% Of Businesses surveyed across the Night Time Economy were over two quarters in rent arrears and suffering extreme financial hardship.
read moreMUMBAI: Recent Flash Survey of over 400 Businesses by the NTIA & Sprout CRM has shown that 75.6% of Night Time Economy & Hospitality Busine
read moreMUMBAI: The Prime Minister has set out the new restrictions that will come into force across the UK from Wednesday 3rd December.
read moreMUMBAI: The end of 2020 sees the ‘Extinction’ of Nightclubs where they have been systematically extinguished from the Night Time Economy by the UK
read moreMUMBAI: Michael Kill, CEO of NTIA says: "The Night Time Economy and Hospitality sector has been decimated by the impact of Covid - 19, not least b
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