| 02 May 2024
FM broadcasters asked to air public interest jingles

NEW DELHI: All FM Radio channels are expected to broadcast public interest announcements as may be required by the Central Government/concerned State Government at suitable/proportional time slots for a maximum of one hour per day interspersed between programmes.

The Ministry in a note on its website noted that Clause 11.2 of the Grant of Permission Agreement was clear about this.

The note also said the Justice Usha Mehra Commission has recommended that there should be programmes on TV and Radio to convey the message that women need to be treated with respect and equality.

“In case the total demand of the Central and the State Governments exceeds one hour per day, the concerned State Government shall be eligible for announcements covering only the period remaining after meeting the demand of the Central Government," the note said.

The Ministry has also created two jingles of 60 seconds and 57 seconds duration on positive portrayal of women on Media, which have been sent to broadcasters.

All the Private FM Radio Broadcasters are advised to broadcast the jingles at least twice a day during peak hours, in terms of clause 11.2 of the GOPA. The Ministry also requested the FM broadcasters to examine feasibility of broadcasting jingles on positive portrayal of women as the subject matter is of anational cause.