MUMBAI: Aqua Mobiles introduced a brand new device, the Aqua 3G 512, a dual SIM Android smartphone. The phone features a brilliant 4 Inch IPS display, and an ergonomically designed solid build that is also pleasing to the eye.
The smartphone includes a 1.2 GHz Mediatek Dual Core Processor, 512 MB RAM, and 4GB ROM to ensure smooth functioning. It is also fitted with a 3.2 MP rear camera. The company believes that the hardware configuration with Android 4.4.2 operating system is the perfect marriage of software and hardware, which should provide seamless user experience. The Aqua 3G 512 is available in Ebony Black and Pearl White.
At the launch of 3G 512, Aqua Mobiles co-founder Govind Bansal said, "Aqua 3G 512 is a durable smartphone which meets the expectations of Indian consumers on all parameters, quality, aesthetics, durability or price. We hope that 3G 512 will get a great response in the Indian market."
Aqua launched this phone at just Rs. 2,699.