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News |  03 Feb 2014 12:18 |  By RnMTeam

Lyor Cohen reveals Twitter deal at Midem

MUMBAI: Former Warner Music Group executive Lyor Cohen revealed the partnership of his new venture 300 with Twitter. The revelation about the partnership came in France during the annual music industry conference Midem.

During an interview conducted by Tommy Boy (USA) CEO Tom Silverman, where he questioned Cohen about any strategic partnership for that he replied, "I closed a deal with Twitter that we are going to create a tool to find artistes early and help develop them."

He further said, "I am really happy to be working within a modern day business as we are looking at talent in various places. Certainly, Twitter is a terrific place to look at talent just like Youtube. If you want to get signed you have to be engaged with Twitter and Youtube. We would be looking at developing a tool that the rest of the community can utilise."

Cohen said the music industry is in the second phase of digital revolution and that they have supreme benefits. But he further adds that it is important for the industry to take some time to understand the data that is constantly being talked about. Cohen pointed out that while it was great to have to access data, there was no real actionable tool available to get the job done more efficiently.

He also spoke about the Warner music deal. Cohen emphasised that it was an extremely flexible deal.Talking about the Independent music scene, he said, "This is an amazing opportunity for entrepreneurs to be independent especially in the music business."

He also said that he believes in streaming. The former Def Jam executive added that streaming is the future of a very healthy business and that he would like to be a part of it when the tide rises.

Google has partly invested in 300 and Cohen hopes that he has many artistes and organisations partnering with him to help push the industry creatively.
