Entertainment  |  19 Jan 2017

Nikhil Malik's ode to the deaf community with his new single

MUMBAI: Composer Nikhil Malik says his new single ‘Boring I Love You’ -- shot with differently-abled youngsters -- is for the deaf community.

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Entertainment  |  22 Dec 2016

The newest indie duo in town Meattle & Malik shows promising early 'signs'

MUMBAI: In 2011, composer Nikhil Malik felt fascinated with the theme of 'sign' language after noticing a couple communicate with each other in a c

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Entertainment  |  24 Nov 2016

The Stage 2 contestant Raghav Meattle to release 'Boring, I Love You'

MUMBAI: ‘The Stage Season 2’ contestant Raghav Meattle moved out of the show in its semi-final stage and now he is spreading his musical wings in t

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