| 11 Dec 2024
Big FM continues to trip top position in Mumbai

MUMBAI: Compared to last week, Big FM increases it shares to 18 per cent shares from 17.9, however, they had to settle with their highest T.S.L with 6.04. On the summit, Mirchi's shares increase from 14.2 per cent to 15.8 per cent along with the T.S.L. (4.22 to 4.34). Radio city holds the third position, finishing the week with 14.9 per cent and 5.01 T.S.L. Fever FM, Red FM, and Oye followed the top three at fourth, fifth and sixth positions with the shares of 13 per cent, 11.8 per cent, and 3.5 per cent respectively.

However, in Bangalore, Radio City tops the position with 23.1 per cent share with T.S.L of 10.04; BIG FM enjoyed the highest T.S.L. (7.26) (In Bangalore), whereas Indigo FM had the lowest 1.3 per cent share and T.S.L. (2.41) during the week.

In Kolkata, Radio Mirchi holds the top position in shares 20.2 per cent and T.S.L 4.41 same as BIG Fm’s T.S.L. (4.41). With 15.2 percent and T.S.L. of 5.2, Fever finished the week at the Third position, followed by fourth-placed Oye! (Share - 10.8 percent; T.S.L. 4.15). Red FM and Aamar FM positioned at fifth and sixth positions respectively finished the Week 19 with the shares 9.8 per cent and 9.3 per cent.

Fever FM secured the first position in Delhi with 18.9 per cent share and T.S.L. of 5.07 whereas; Radio Mirchi comes in second with 13.1 percent share and T.S.L of 3.4. Big FM in Delhi couldn’t do much with 10.1 per cent share and 3.13 T.S.L. and Radio City and Radio Nasha finished their week with 11.9 per cent and 9.9 in that order.