| 27 Jul 2024
International Women's Day: MY FM's female RJs motivate female listenersÆ on-air, while male RJs help in daily chores

MUMBAI: On the occasion of International Women’s Day, popular radio station MY FM planned a lot of stuff for their female listeners. Both female and male RJs left no stone unturned to motivate the local ladies, both, from studio and in person.

To start with, all the female RJs of MY FM hosted shows, where they motivated women by telling them how proud one should be for being a women. They encouraged women for their choices be it if we want to go right while driving cars, or for shopping like crazy, getting late while getting ready for party or even bitching about someone etc.

While our female RJs were having super fun on-air speaking their heart out, the male RJ clan of MY FM took on the task to help their female listeners by doing something really applaud worthy. They went to homes and helped ladies in their daily chores. From washing clothes, cleaning utensils, taking care of kids or any other work etc, they ensured to make their female listeners were happy. The idea was to give holiday to all those ladies today and let them celebrate rather than working. Besides, the male RJs also gave spa and salon vouchers for their female listeners.