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News |  17 Jan 2013 21:20 |  By RnMTeam

Music stalwarts Rashid Khan and Zakir Hussain to perform together

MUMBAI: Renowned vocalist Ustad Rashid Khan and table maestro Zakir Hussain are all set to come together for the first time to perform at the classical music concert ‘Music and Rhythm Masters’ on 19 January at Sivaswamy Auditorium of the Fine Arts Society Chembur, Mumbai.

Another historical moment in the concert will witness eminent sitar player Budhaditya Mukherjee also perform with the table genius after a gap of 20 years.

Speaking with, Ustad Rashid Khan said, “I am very happy to have received the honour to perform with such a renowned person in the classical music space. I have a very long standing relation with him but this is the first time I will be singing with him, and I am really looking forward to it. This will also prove to be a great opportunity for music lovers to witness us perform together for the first time.”

Organised by Pancham Nishad Creatives, the concert features masters of music from the world of Indian classical music who have regaled the music lovers in their chosen genres. The first session of the concert will feature soulful performances by  Hussain and  Khan in his mellifluous voice, while the second session will witness performances by Hussain and eminent  Mukherjee.

Pancham Nishad Creatives director Shashi Vyas said, “Music & Rhythm Masters will feature those world acclaimed artistes who have not only enthralled the music lovers across the globe through their mellifluous music but also enriched their respective chosen genre of music by valuable musical contribution over the years.”
