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News |  28 Jul 2010 12:50 |  By RnMTeam

Popkomm 2010 to be opened by an Indian artist

MUMBAI: The Germany-based music networking website will be taking an Indian delegation to Popkomm Music Festival 2010, an integral part of the mostly Europe-dominated Berlin Music Week.

The delegation will comprise of regional music labels and also of an Indian band, which will open the showcases at Popkomm 2010. This band will be picked through �PLAYATPOPKOMM' – an online contest organized by Music2Deal, India.

Popkomm managing director Dr. Ralf Kleinhenz says, We look forward to welcoming India at Popkomm this September in Berlin. India's participation in Popkomm will be its first in a European music trade fair. We are confident that Indian companies will establish important contacts in the European market.... Asia Pacific MD Sudhir Shreedharan said, Popkomm 2010 is a big step for India. It is a golden opportunity to take Indian music to previously unexplored European Markets....

PLAYATPOPKOMM... will invite registrations from bands/artistes all over India, as also artistes of Indian origin living abroad. A special page created on the website -  will continuously update all the participants and also upload the music by bands that qualify for the final round. This will make sure that bands continue to get promoted even as the contest continues, so even the ones that don't make it to Popkomm get their music showcased on'' continued Shreedharan.

Explaining the basis on which the candidates will be chosen, Shreedharan adds, It's not just about good music. It's about stage presence and the ability to woo the western audience to make Indian music a memorable experience for them. Performing at an event of this magnitude is definitely no easy task and this requires an export-ready, versatile band.''

"This step will definitely strengthen Indo-German cultural relations as well" says (Representative, Berlin Trade Fairs, Indo-German Chamber Of Commerce) Deepika Unni. It is very good to hear that there is an Indian delegation visiting Popkomm. Having a band at the show increases India's visibility and impact. India has a rich and vibrant music heritage and Popkomm would be the ideal launching pad.... she added.

Indian recording labels can contact Music2Deal India by sending an e-mail and bands can send in their music to Music2deal India at
