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News |  24 Dec 2008 17:53 |  By RnMTeam

Hungary rememebers Haydn with music tourism

MUMBAI: Eisenstadt in Hungary will come alive to the sound of classical music in 2009 when the picturesque Austrian town will celebrate the 200th death anniversary of its once native composer Joseph Haydn (1732-1809).

Also known as the "Father of the Symphony", Joseph Haydn was one of the most celebrated citizen of the Burgenland capital located at 50 kilometres east of Vienna.

Haydn spent 30 years of his illustrious career as court musician with the Hungarian Esterhazy family - one of the wealthiest noble clans of central Europe. It was during this period that the composer divided his time between Eisenstadt and their remote ancestral seat in Hungary.

Aged 77, he died on May 31, 1809. Many feel that Haydn and Eisenstadt go together like Mozart and Salzburg. Majority of Haydn's works were composed in the region and first performed at Esterhazy Castle.
200 years after his death, the local tourist board is using the opportunity to offer several months' of activities which make Eisenstadt an attractive destination, and not just for music-lovers. The programme begins on March 31, also Haydn's birthday. The baronial Haydn Hall at Esterhazy Castle is the venue for the a performance of four symphonies with Nikolaus Harnoncourt conducting. Easter will witness concerts of Haydn's sacred works in the Bergkirche church, which contains Haydn's white marble tomb, in the chapel of Esterhazy Castle and at Eisenstadt Cathedral from April 9- 12.
The people of Burgenland are proud of their cuisine and particularly their wines. Haydn too was fond of the products from local wineries and allegedly received a portion of his pay in liquid kind! His regular evening meal was said to consist solely of bread and wine. By sampling a bottle of a local brand known as "Die Sch?¶pfung" (The Creation) after one of Haydn's works, gourmets can combine both their love of music and wine.

Other highlights are bound to be the "Triothlon" chamber music concerts, a set of musical remembrance days at the end of May, a symphonic festival in June entitled "Storm and Stress" after the emotive movement in German music and literature of the same name and the "International Haydn Days" with a roster of the composer's works at various venues in September. "The Haydn Phenomenon" exhibition meanwhile aims to show visitors how Haydn's life in Eisenstadt influenced both his personality and work.
A number of Haydn-related events are also taking place in the western Hungarian city of Sopron, another location with strong links to the Esterhazy family. A calendar of concerts will be staged here from Easter until December.
