Eligibility Criteria

  • Each entry must be in Hindi or English language only, except regional categories.
  • Age group allowed is 18 years & above only, except kids category.
  • Each entry must have aired between June 2023 – June 2024
  • Audio & Video duration must be 3 - 5 minutes.
  • The objective is to recognize only original music. All efforts will be made to ensure copied music is removed from the songs eligible for participation. However, information on the same is subjective, and 100% accurate identification of such songs cannot be guaranteed.
  • Entries may be submitted by the Artists, Platform or the Producer.
  • There should be one authorized person for all the entries submitted.
  • If registration fee is not paid, entry will be considered invalid.

Judging Parameters

  • Originality
  • Quality of voice
  • Lyrics
  • Diction
  • Melody
  • Composition/Structure
  • Audience appeal

An Initiative By Kinderhotel Aschauerhof
Media Partner Kinderhotel Aschauerhof
Event Managed By Kinderhotel Aschauerhof