| 14 Feb 2025
IPRS team thanks CISAC, confident to sustain growth

MUMBAI: Its celebration time for IPRS team as the organisation was declared as the fastest growing Society in the World by CISAC chairman Eric Baptiste. He was speaking at the recently held CISAC (The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers) General Assembly 2019 in Tokyo.

Also Read: CISAC chairman declares IPRS world's fastest growing Copyright Society

Commenting on the same, IPRS Chairman Javed Akhtar says, “The recognition of IPRS being the fastest growing Copyright Society in the world is most welcome. I am extremely pleased and thankful for CISAC’s support, led by chairman Eric Baptiste, director general Gadi Oron, Sylvain Piat, Asia Pacific regional director Benjamin NG, and the government of India, gave IPRS during the past year. They supported us in restructuring IPRS’ constitution, operations and its efforts to become a true representative of all music stakeholders in India. It is a team achievement.”

“The IPRS team led by our CEO Rakesh Nigam is to be commended for their outstanding performance in this past year. I am confident that IPRS will continue to grow at a fast rate and serve the interests of its members more effectively,” he adds.

IPRS CEO Rakesh Nigam also exclaims, “IPRS revenue/collections have increased by 350 per cent plus over the last one year i.e. from INR 45 Cr to approx INR 165+ Cr. This was possible due to the support and guidance of our chairman Javed Saab and members of our board. The IPRS team has acquitted itself extremely well. Going forward, I am confident IPRS will continue to grow at this rate because it is supported by the law.”

Indian Performing Rights Societies (IPRS) team comprising of CEO Rakesh Nigam, director Aashish Rego and counsel Ameet Datta, is currently in Tokyo attending the CISAC annual General Assembly, graced by all CISAC Member Author Copyright Societies in the fields of Music, Dramatic Works, Audio-Visual and Artistic works. The GA was organised by CISAC and hosted by JASRAC the Japanese Copyrights Society on the occasion of its 80th Anniversary.

On being asked CISAC’s role in the renewal and transformation of IPRS Music, one of the members explained, “CISAC played a very important role in helping IPRS restructure its constitution and operations in line with CISAC’s Professional Rules for Copyright Societies. This restructuring allowed IPRS to be re-admitted back into the CISAC membership fold so that it could enlarge and enter into reciprocal arrangements with Copyright Societies around the world.”