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Press Release |  26 Feb 2016 19:44 |  By RnMTeam

Dehlvees are back with Mahira

MUMBAI: This dynamic Delhi duo may just be two songs old, but even with those taken two songs they have managed to create a signature sound of sorts. Akshay Raheja's artistry on the keyboard along with Suhail Yusuf Khan’s fresh voice and poignant sarangi strains make the sound of Dehlvees.

Their latest single titled 'Mahira' is a Hebrew word meaning being brave.

How often do we form opinions based on hearsay? Even right-thinking individuals lose the sense of judgement and go with popular opinion. The second song from Dehlvees, explores a similar territory. It tells us to listen to the voice within and follow it. More often than not, experiences usually despised by all, turn out to be life-changing ones for some. While this holds true for anyone, it perhaps stands a little truer for women.
