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News |  13 Jun 2018 15:17 |  By RnMTeam

The magic of the instrument 'Hang' is here!

MUMBAI: Percussion instruments are much sought after all over the world, both traditional as well as modern. One such rare instrument is Hang or also known as Hang Drum. The instrument was created by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer in Bern, Switzerland and is rarely seen in India. The original makers, however, do not endorse the usage of the term Hang Drum and prefer it being addressed as just Hang. The etymology of the word ‘Hang’ comes from the Bernese German word for ‘hand’. With a distinct sound, this instrument finds a place for Steel Pan and Jazz musicians too.

Parag Bhide, a Pune based percussionist, would be one of the top five people in India who has brought the instrument to the foray. “The instrument has basic sound and principles of a steel pan and resonance of Indian instrument Ghatam. I was long fascinated by this instrument and therefore have been working on it. The artiste who inspired me the most was Daniel Waples,” said Bhide.

A trained tabla player, Parag has finally managed to get the instrument in India. “In next couple of months, the instruments would be available in India. We plan to sell the instruments to students or people who are interested to own it, under our organisation Naad.

Considering the rarity of the instrument, the know-how of this instrument is sparse too. “I am willing to teach if someone wants to learn and has the instrument.” The price range of Hang is on the higher side considering the scarcity, however, Parag and his team have some good news, “When we open the sale, first few will be sold at a discounted price. Each instrument is customised and takes detailing and hence the high prices.”

The production of this instrument by the original makers, PANArt Hangbau AG which holds the registered trademark and property has been terminated in 2013.
