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News |  23 Dec 2011 18:44 |  By swapanjari

Reggae artiste Apache comes back to India

MUMBAI: Apache Indian a.k.a Steven Kapur, who familiarized pop, rock, bhangramuffin and rap genre in India, is back from oblivion. The reggae singer is all set to rein charts once again with his latest album �Home Run' under his parent label Universal Music India.

The album is blend of four new songs and some classic collaborative track including high profile artistes like Asha Bhosale, AR Rahman and Shaggy. Home Run is based on the singers urge to come back to his home land. The singer is currently working on a promotional video for the album.

Apache Indian said, Home Run is an album produced keeping in mind my fans who had appreciated my work. The album consists some of my favorite classics like Om Namah Shiva which are in huge demands. So I'm giving my fans what they want, if they want Asha Bhosale then why not?...

Stressing on the fact that the album is named specifically keeping in mind, his plans to shift back to India, Apache stated, Wherever I go I am a foreigner, So I am shifting back to India. Home Run is all about Punjab as it's our home town....

When quizzed about his long break from the industry, the singer stated that he was analyzing the music industry and the way it works, he recalls, I have received a lot from this industry but if I look back I have been ripped off many times just because I was an amateur artiste who didn't have much knowledge of it....

The singer also highlighted the reason behind the failure of young talents who are fresh out of reality shows. I think for any artiste to be successful, he should first understand the industry he is getting into. If we see the artistes that are selected from talent hunt shows doesn't last for long time.  I think if these shows are unearthing young talents, than they should also give them an overview and a practical knowledge on the working of the industry ....

Emphasizing further on the unruly drafting of Indian copyright law Apache stated, The copyright is a huge issue not just for music industry but also for entertainment. Indian Copyright Law is not drafted clearly as it is done in west. In India, we easily take someone else work and make it ours with a bit of rework. Copyright should be clear, illustration each and every point with their respective work....

The new album and getting back to India are not the only plans of the British reggae artiste for 2012. Apache is also excited that a movie is being produced based on his life and experience.

The English-Indian movie titled �Apache Indian' is being made; it's quite like a �Bend It like Beckham'. Everything is finalized, the script has been written, but a few changes are yet to be made. The movie will be shot in Australia, India and Japan. The filmmakers have finalized the artiste who will play my younger version and yes I might play a part of older Apache!... he signs off.
